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WindGen Energy, Inc.

WindGen Energy


Our Chart Views

Channel breakout play
RSI oversold
Resistances at .10, .13 and.20

Our Views

Massive Untapped Alternative Energy Market

Renewable - Clean - Efficient - Cost-Effective

Multi-Billion Dollar Market Still in its Infancy

Discoveries and Inventions (1860): As yet, the wind is an untamed, and unharnessed force; and quite possibly one of the greatest discoveries hereafter to be made, will be the taming, and harnessing of it. - Abraham Lincoln



Read our latest Press Release: WindGen Energy, Inc. Signs License Agreement with Wind Sail Receptor, Inc.

At WindGen Energy we are all about innovation. We are working to change the way we obtain our electricity. Instead of coal plants that pollute or nuclear plants with toxic waste, we are dedicated to providing solutions that are clean, safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly. This is something we can all benefit from and should all participate in. So, instead of focusing on the giant windmills costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, we would like to bring the windmill to you . . . affordably.

The windmill is not a new invention by any means. It has been around since before electricity. But, the windmills we are accustomed to seeing aren’t as efficient as they could be. Through advances in blade design and materials, we can take advantage of the wind at slower and faster wind speeds. This means that our windmills can produce electricity more often than the competition. This efficiency simply means more generated electricity for you. The more electricity you are able to generate, the more money you save, and the environment is better off as well..

We will continue to update our site with the latest innovations in wind power and other clean power alternatives. If you are interested in the technology and would like more information, don’t hesitate to contact us with questions. We will be putting together a dealer program and making it easier for you to find your nearest installer so that you can be part of the solution as well. Please excuse our virtual mess as we continue to grow.



Windgen Energy Inc.
14550 Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd., Suite 100
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

702-289-4372 phone
206-984-2655 fax

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Information compiled from public sources

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